CAD LIBOR rates in 1997 Historical Canadian dollar LIBOR interest rates for the year 1997

This page shows a summary of the historic CAD LIBOR interest rates for 1997. The first table below shows the first, last, highest, lowest and average Canadian dollar LIBOR interest rate for each maturity that existed in 1997. If you click on a maturity, you can access a page with the most recent rates. If you look further down the page, you can find more information about the development of the Canadian dollar LIBOR interest rates over 1997 for each maturity.

Check the current LIBOR interest rates

CAD LIBOR 1997, all maturities
CAD LIBOR 1 week
4.00000 %
4.37500 %
4.50000 %
3.81250 %
4.17150 %
CAD LIBOR 1 month
3.09375 %
4.50000 %
4.62500 %
3.00000 %
3.41514 %
CAD LIBOR 2 months
3.15625 %
4.62500 %
4.81250 %
3.06250 %
3.51003 %
CAD LIBOR 3 months
3.19531 %
4.75000 %
4.88281 %
3.09375 %
3.58452 %
CAD LIBOR 4 months
3.25000 %
4.86719 %
5.00000 %
3.12500 %
3.66523 %
CAD LIBOR 5 months
3.31250 %
4.90625 %
5.07031 %
3.14063 %
3.73598 %
CAD LIBOR 6 months
3.37500 %
5.00000 %
5.18750 %
3.18750 %
3.80256 %
CAD LIBOR 7 months
3.49219 %
5.05469 %
5.21875 %
3.20313 %
3.88501 %
CAD LIBOR 8 months
3.55469 %
5.11719 %
5.25781 %
3.25000 %
3.96020 %
CAD LIBOR 9 months
3.62500 %
5.17188 %
5.31250 %
3.31250 %
4.03758 %
CAD LIBOR 10 months
3.67969 %
5.18750 %
5.37500 %
3.37500 %
4.10357 %
CAD LIBOR 11 months
3.72656 %
5.25000 %
5.40625 %
3.43750 %
4.16641 %
CAD LIBOR 12 months
3.76563 %
5.31250 %
5.43750 %
3.46875 %
4.22953 %

LIBOR is a registered trademark of the ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA). A Licensing Agreement with IBA is mandatory for all commercial use of the data and the registered trademarks. Neither IBA, nor the ICE LIBOR contributor banks, nor the designated distributor of ICE LIBOR from time to time, can be held liable for any irregularity or inaccuracy of ICE LIBOR. All rights reserved! Use of the data is at your own risk.

Additional information per maturity

You will find a chart and a table below with additional information about the development of the CAD LIBOR interest rates in 1997. When you select a maturity in the selection box, the page will automatically show the information for the relevant maturity.

Chart CAD LIBOR 1 month

Historical CAD LIBOR rates 1997
CAD LIBOR 1 month in 1997
3.09375 %
3.06250 %
3.17969 %
3.06250 %
3.07884 %
3.06250 %
3.07031 %
3.07031 %
3.00000 %
3.05195 %
3.07031 %
3.18750 %
3.18750 %
3.06250 %
3.09745 %
3.25000 %
3.18750 %
3.37500 %
3.18750 %
3.26811 %
3.18750 %
3.12500 %
3.18750 %
3.12500 %
3.14570 %
3.12500 %
3.37500 %
3.37500 %
3.12500 %
3.15104 %
3.38281 %
3.50000 %
3.52344 %
3.31250 %
3.41848 %
3.48438 %
3.43750 %
3.53125 %
3.43750 %
3.47383 %
3.43750 %
3.50000 %
3.50000 %
3.43750 %
3.44993 %
3.56250 %
3.81250 %
3.81250 %
3.56250 %
3.66916 %
3.81250 %
4.06250 %
4.06250 %
3.75000 %
3.83359 %
4.10156 %
4.50000 %
4.62500 %
4.00781 %
4.30283 %