BACEN SELIC rate - Brazil Brazilian Central Bank interest rate

This page shows the current and historic values of the BACEN SELIC rate as set by the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil, BACEN or just BCB). The BACEN SELIC rate is often regarded as the most important interest rate of the Brazilian Central Bank.

The current interest rates of more central banks

Current BACEN Selic rate
14.25 %
13.25 %
12.25 %
11.25 %
10.75 %
10.50 %
10.75 %
11.25 %
11.75 %
12.25 %

Chart BACEN Selic rate

Historical interest rates

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Banco Central do Brasil

Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN, BCB) is the Brazilian central bank. The Banco Central do Brasil is responsible for monetary policy and has as its mission to safeguard the stability of the national currency's buying power and the solvency and efficiency of the financial system. In Brazil the central bank is the highest monetary authority and can operate fully autonomously, contrary to what is possible in most other countries. The same applies to the fact that the Banco Central do Brasil is responsible for both the national currency and the national economy. However, it is the case that the government monitors the BACEN in order to be able to check that nothing irregular is taking place.

Check the current and historical inflation in Brazil


When reference is made to the Brazilian interest rate this often refers to this BACEN SELIC (sistema especial de liquidacao e custodia) Rate. This SELIC Rate is a benchmark interest rate, a base rate, with which the level of interest rates in the Brazilian economy can be influenced. The SELIC Rate can best be compared to the FED's Federal funds target rate or the ECB's refi rate. The interest rate is an average of the interbank interest rates which are charged for the trade in government securities with a maturity of 1 day.

If the SELIC Rate is adjusted upwards or downwards this has an effect on the level of interest rates for banking products in the area of mortgages, savings and loans. Changes in the SELIC Rate usually also affect the exchange rate of the Brazilian Real.